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Privacy Policy

The privacy and security of your information is very important to us. Whether you are booking a room or just a prospective client browsing our website (the “Site”) and looking at our proper-ty/services, we want you to trust that the information that you have provided to us is being properly managed and protected.

This Privacy Policy is issued by The Desert Compass, which includes its parents, subsidiaries, and affiliates, and covers information collected and used by The Desert Compass in the course of its business. Your information may be collected and used by The Desert Compass through your use of this Site.  We have prepared this Privacy Policy to explain more about how we collect and manage your information.

Information we collect:

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Information you give us. In your use of this site, you may provide us with various information that personally identifies you. For example, we collect information from you when you make a booking through our reservation system or stay at The Lowman Loft. Information collected during the course of the reservation and during your stay may include:

  • Your name, email address, home and/or business address, phone number and payment card information

  • Information such as stay and room preferences made during the course of your reservation and specific requests to The Lowman Loft.

This information may be provided to us directly when you make a reservation through our reservation system, through our websites, directly at The Lowman Loft or through mobile applications. In some cases, we may receive this information from a third party, such as when you book through an online travel agency or booking site.

How we use this information.

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We use the information collected from you primarily to fulfill your reservation. Prior to your stay, this may include sending your information to The Lowman Loft or sending you pre-stay communications. Following your stay, we may also send you post-stay communications and satisfaction surveys to get feedback on your experience.

In some instances where we have your consent or where permitted under applicable law, we may send you marketing communications (which may include text messages) for products and services that we believe would be relevant for you. We also may use information related to your stay to display targeted advertisements on our websites or on third party websites or to send you more relevant messaging. Additionally, we use this information for purposes of aggregated trend and statistical analysis to evaluate and improve our products and services, plan new locations and services and other market research.

Who we share your information with.

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We do not share your information with others or third party service providers. It is our priority to keep your information safe and secure.

We are committed to protecting the confidentiality and security of the information that you provide to us. To do this, technical, physical and organizational security measures are put in place to protect against any unauthorized access, disclosure, damage or loss of your information. The collection, transmission and storage of information can never be guaranteed to be completely secure, however, we take steps to ensure that appropriate security safeguards are in place to protect your information

Social Media Policy

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We will not use your information on social media without your permission. By sending us photos and/or reviews, you are agreeing to allow us to use this information to promote The Lowman Loft on our website or social media platforms.

We may use various social media features such as the Facebook and Instagram buttons on our websites and mobile applications. Certain information may be shared or otherwise provided to us through your use of these features in conjunction with our services and programs. Subject to your account and privacy settings, we may also be able to see information that you post when using these social media platforms whether or not you are using one of our services. In some instances, depending on the circumstances, we may contact you on these social media platforms. The information you post on social media sites as well as the controls surrounding these disclosures are governed by the respective policies of these third parties.

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